Blending Flash Fiction & Art
NUNUMPronunciation - [nun’um]
Part of speech - noun, verb, adjective, adverb Definition - a moment of stillness that leads to a reflective state Etymology - a combination of the Chinese characters for snow (雪) and sound (音) voiced using a Korean pronunciation microfiction submissions, microfiction submission, nano-fiction submission, nano-fiction submissions, flash fiction submission, flash fiction submissions, prose poetry submission, prose poetry submissions, sudden fiction submission, sudden fiction submissions, canada, canadian literary journal, canadian arts, canadian art, canada writes, canadian writers |
We’re crazy, over the barrel, eyes crossed, tongue between the teeth crazy, about flash
fiction. But with NUNUM we needed to do more, we wanted to push our own craziness a touch further and mixing in the art we love with the literary form we live for seemed the perfect way to do it.
They both flash, in a neural sense of the word.
Be it a flash fiction piece or an artistic image, they both send out a message that tunnels through the reader’s mind as it seeks out a memory with which to associate. And this is the magic of flash, this association, because once this connection clicks in the mind of the reader then everything else common to the original mental state, all those memories and emotions stored up with it, they become a personalized set and stage upon which a piece of flash fiction plays itself out on inside the reader.
Our idea of adding art to flash, not sitting them side by side on a page but blending
them together until one can’t be swallowed without the other, is a way to gently guide this idea of personalized mental association to a more consensual resting point without having to spell it all out for the reader in black and white and destroy the minimalistic aesthetic of flash fiction.
This is the push behind every piece we publish,
to create a piece of work that becomes a moment for our readers and if we do it right then it will be a moment that prompts them a little bit of NUNUM as well.