NUNUM nominates annually for
Blending Flash Fiction & Art
2024 Nominations
2023 Nominations
Best MicrofictionA Dirty Penny
by Jill Alexander Essbaum |
Best MicrofictionA Name Without Edges
by Cassondra Windwalker |
Best MicrofictionChronicle of Unwritten History
by David Galef |
Best MicrofictionNot the End of the World
by Nan Wigington Winner |
Best Microfiction |
2022 Nominations
Best Microfiction |
Best Microfiction |
Best Microfiction |
Best Microfiction |
Best Microfiction |
Best Microfiction |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |
PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize |
Best of the Net |
Best of the Net |
Best of the Net |
Best of the Net |
Best of the Net |
2021 Nominations
Best of the Net |
Best of the Net |
Best of the Net |
Best of the Net |
Best of the Net |
Best of the Net |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |
Best Microfiction |
Best Microfiction |
Best Microfiction |
Best Microfiction |
2020 Nominations
Best of the Net |
Best of the Net |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |
Best Microfiction |
Best Microfiction |
Best Microfiction |
Best MicrofictionHouse Trap by Coco Picard
Pushcart PrizeThe Rag by Alessio Zanelli
Pushcart PrizeHook, Line, and Sinker by Brett Biebel
2019 Nominations
Best Small Fictions |
Best Small Fictions |
Best Small Fictions |
Best Small Fictions |
Pushcart |
Pushcart |
The Vera |
Best of the Net |
Best of the Net |
Pushcart |
2018 Nominations
Best of the Net |
Best of the Net |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |
Pushcart Prize |