Super Stanley
Jacqueline Doyle
What do you mean, you don’t believe me. I mean how would you know. What makes you the big expert? I’ve never met a shrink I liked, and it looks like you’re not going to be the exception, buddy. Know-it-alls with all those degrees but no real expertise, just fat DSM Manuals and prescription pads and a lot of Big Pharma propaganda. Ha! No one has superpowers, so I couldn’t possibly be an exception, am I right? Anyone who believes they’ve got a superpower is delusional, am I right? How’d you like me to levitate right now? How’d you like me to levitate you right now? Don’t worry. I’m not a showoff. I’m not going to waste my superpowers on someone like you. That’s where Jesus lost me, walking on water just because he could. It’s not like he did anything useful with it. A superpower requires some care and some thought. I’ve got plans, and no, I’m not too interested in talking about them. And no, I’m not thinking about harming myself or someone else. Have you even been listening?
Blending Flash Fiction & Art
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